Liposomal technology created by scientist


dietary supplement

A unique combination of lutein, astaxanthin, omega-3, elderberry, vitamin A, E and C in liposomal gel form.

  • for the sake of correct vision

  • just one sachet a day

  • oral liposomal gel ready to consume without the need for dissolving

30 sachets for 30 days
1 sachet per day

  • Deferred payments

  • fast payments

  • shipping within 24 hours

  • free delivery from PLN 299

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no coloring
no preservatives
no sugar or sweeteners
no fillers, including lactose
suitable for vegans

Sight is a precious gift that enables us to see the beauty of the world – from loved ones, to the changing seasons, to everyday tiny details. A true miracle of image processing takes place in our eyes, which are then transmitted to our brain. We often don’t realize just how much strain our eyes are under. From UV radiation, to focusing our eyes for long periods of time, to a computer screen – all of these can contribute to their fatigue and damage. This is why it is so important to look after our eyes and ensure that they are regularly regenerated.
Enjoy good eyesight for as long as possible by taking care of your sense of vision in every way possible.


purified water, oil from microalgae (Schizochytrium sp.) standardised at 50% omega-3 in the form of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Elderberry fruit extract (Sambucus nigra L.) DER 40:1 standardised for 25% anthocyanidins, sunflower lecithin phospholipids, humectant: glycerol, Marigold flowers extract (Tageaes erecta L. ) DER 50:1 standardised for 20% lutein, vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol), astaxanthin-rich oleoresin from Haematococcus pluvialis algae, stabiliser: xanthan gum, vitamin A (retinyl palmitate).


Ingredients1 sachet once a day%DV*
Omega-3 (DHA)250 mg

– anthocyanidins

200 mg

50 mg

Phospholipids135 mg
Marigold flowers

– Lutein

100 mg

20 mg

Vitamin E12 mg100%
Astaxanthin8 mg
Vitamin A800 ug100%

*DV – daily value

Usage instructions

The sachet should be opened at the designated place and consumed directly, regardless of meals. There is no need to dissolve or consume with a drink. Optionally, you can consume it with beverages at room temperature or cold. Do not consume with hot beverages to avoid destroying the liposomes.

Recommended daily portion

1 sachet once a day.

Storage recommendations

Store in tightly closed packages at a temperature of up to 25°C, out of reach of small children. Protect from light. Do not freeze.

Important information

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the product’s ingredients. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as individuals undergoing treatment for depression, should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using this product. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended.


Dwatro Laboratories® Sp. z o.o.
ul. Hutnicza 36 B, 81-061 Gdynia

Convenience and ease of use

A small sachet that you can always have with you.

Only 1 sachet per day – the maximum amount of essential nutrients needed each day.

You can easily open the sachet and drink the contents.

No need for dissolving.

No need to consume it with a drink.

The product can be used independently of meals, whenever you want.

No refrigeration is required.

Lutein is a natural xanthophyll pigment that plays a key role in protecting our vision. Found mainly in green vegetables such as kale and spinach, it is a powerful antioxidant that protects our eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight, particularly blue light. As we age and are exposed to harmful environments, the amount of lutein in our eyes naturally decreases, which can lead to a deterioration in eye health and visual comfort. Proper lutein supplementation can help maintain visual acuity, high visual resolution and normal central vision.

Discover the ingredients


Lutein plays a very important role in the proper functioning of our eyes, specifically our lens and the macula of the eye – responsible for visual acuity, high visual resolution and central vision. Lutein gives color to many plants, while in the human body, it has an antioxidant function and is the primary pigment found in the macula. Lutein acts as a filter to absorb UVA and UVB radiation that is harmful to the eye. Human eyes cannot function properly without lutein, and its concentration decreases with age, in smokers and in people who work in front of monitors for long periods of time. In our preparation, lutein is derived from a standardized extract of Aztec marigold flowers (Tagetes erecta L.).

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps to maintain normal vision and also assists in the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin A is a derivative of carotene (provitamin A), a starting compound that is converted into a vitamin in the intestinal wall and liver. It is stored in the liver, from where it is transported into the body’s cells. Vitamin A is fully involved in the vision process, as it is a component of rhodopsin. Retinol is oxidized under the influence of an appropriate enzyme into trans-retinal, which is converted into cis-retinal. Together with opsin, cis-retinal in the retina forms the protein rhodopsin, a light-sensitive pigment found in the retinal rods. Trans-retinal is further involved in the formation of the nerve impulse in the photosensitive receptor cells. Vitamin A, thus, prevents night blindness, impaired vision, and helps to treat many eye diseases.


Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants that plays a key role in protecting our vision. Found mainly in microalgae, fish and shellfish, astaxanthin helps protect our eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight, particularly blue light. As we age and are affected by the harmful effects of our environment, our eyes become more susceptible to damage, which can lead to a deterioration in eye health and visual comfort. Proper supplementation with astaxanthin can help maintain visual acuity, high visual resolution and normal central vision.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, known as tocopherol and colloquially as the ‘vitamin of youth’ , is one of the key antioxidants needed for the proper functioning of our body. It exists in eight chemical forms, but the most active and useful form for humans is alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is fat-soluble and plays an important role in protecting cells from oxidative stress, counteracting free radical damage. In the VisionLip™ product, vitamin E is found in the form of pure D-alpha-tocopherol.

Omega 3

Omega 3 (DHA, docosahexaenoic acid) polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, belonging to the EFAs, are counted among the indispensable components of the diet, as they perform many important functions and the human body, as well as animals, are unable to synthesize them. The main biological activity is demonstrated by long-chain forms of omega-3 acids: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These acids, which are incorporated into the structure of cell membranes, are necessary for the proper development and functioning of the central nervous system and the organ of vision. The precursor of the entire group of omega-3 fatty acids is α-linolenic acid. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal vision. In VisionLip™, DHA is derived from the oil of microalgae (Schizochytrium sp.), making it suitable for consumption by vegans.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in the proper functioning of the immune system and in the correct production of collagen to ensure the normal functioning of the skin, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, and teeth. As a powerful antioxidant, it protects the cells of our skin from the harmful effects of free radicals and helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Proper supplementation with vitamin C increases iron absorption, contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, helps in the normal functioning of the nervous system, aids in the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E, helps maintain normal psychological functions, and contributes to normal energy metabolizm.


Phospholipids are the basic building blocks of cell membranes. They are mainly incorporated into high-density lipoproteins and into all hepatocyte membrane-containing structures, giving them the ability to be incorporated into damaged liver cell membranes. It is important to remember that phospholipids aid in the digestion of fats and increase the absorption of the vitamins they contain.


Elderberry, also known as Sambucus nigra, is a plant with many beneficial properties for our body. Elderberries are a rich source of anthocyanidins, which are a group of powerful antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on our eyes. First of all, they show the ability to neutralize free radicals, which are responsible for damage to retinal cells. Thus, anthocyanidins can protect against macular degeneration and cataracts – two serious age-related eye problems. In addition, anthocyanidins promote microcirculation in the blood vessels of the eye, which may contribute to better hydration and nutrition of retinal cells.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions

Product revievs

I often fly on business and the air conditioning on planes always makes my eyes dry and irritated. Using eye drops is insufficient, but combined with VisionLip has proven to be a great solution to this problem. My eyes stay moisturised even during the longest flights. VisionLip really does make travelling more comfortable.
Kamil, 45 y.o.
VisionLip has proved to be a hit with me! After a few weeks of use, I have noticed that my eyes are more rested and vision in low light conditions has become easier. A super product that really works.
Ewa, 42 y.o.
I had no idea how much of a difference the right supplementation could make. Using VisionLip has helped me improve the clarity of my vision and reduced my dry eye problems. I highly recommend this product to anyone who cares about the health of their eyes.
Agnieszka, 47 y.o.
After going through the menopause, I had serious problems with dry eyes. My ophthalmologist recommended VisionLip as a solution to my ailment. After just one month of use, I have already noticed a significant improvement - my eyes are less dry and vision in low-light conditions has clearly improved. I am very pleased with the results.
Anna, 50 y.o.
I am very pleased with the results after using VisionLip. My eyes are less tired and my vision in difficult lighting conditions has improved significantly. This is particularly important for me as I often drive after dark.
Tomasz, 52 y.o.
As I got older I started to have problems with my visual acuity. VisionLip was recommended to me as a supplement to support eye health. I am very pleased with the results - vision has become clearer and my eyes are less prone to fatigue. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to take care of their eyes.
Robert, 60 y.o.
On my recent flight to Asia, I tried VisionLip and was very pleased with the results. My eyes felt less tired and well moisturised throughout the flight. Now VisionLip is an integral part of my hand luggage. I recommend it to all travellers.
Natalia, 30 y.o.
Having had eye moisture problems for a long time, I was sceptical about supplements. However, VisionLip has surprised me. My vision is now sharper and my eyes less tired. This is a revelation for me, especially when I spend many hours in front of a computer. I recommend trying it out.
Paweł, 27 y.o.
Since I started using VisionLip, I have noticed a significant improvement in my visual acuity. My eyes are less tired after a long day in front of the computer, and I also experience dry eyes much less often. The natural ingredients in this supplement really make a difference.
Anna, 34 y.o.
On a long flight to the United States, my eyes always suffered terribly from dryness. This time I decided to try VisionLip and the difference was huge! My eyes were well moisturised and I felt much more comfortable throughout the flight. I would definitely recommend VisionLip to anyone who travels frequently by plane.
Aleksandra, 39 y.o.
I have been using VisionLip for several months and have seen a huge improvement in the comfort of my vision. I often work at a computer and this supplement has helped reduce eye fatigue and improved visual acuity. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen.
Jacek, 45 y.o.
I work as a teacher and am often in air-conditioned rooms, which makes my eyes very dry. Using VisionLip has made my eyes less prone to irritation and more moisturised throughout the day. This allows me to concentrate on my work rather than discomfort.
Karolina, 36 y.o.
As a photographer, I need to take care of my eyes. VisionLip is a sensational product that has helped me maintain my visual acuity and improve colour clarity. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen or in the spotlight.
Marek, 50 y.o.
My eyes were often dry and irritated. VisionLip has greatly improved their condition - I can now work and spend time outdoors without unpleasant symptoms. It really works.
Magdalena, 38 y.o.
I work as an optometrist and often encounter young people who spend many hours a day in front of computer screens, phones or tablets. They often complain of eye fatigue, dryness and irritation. I have recommended VisionLip to several young patients and I see a significant improvement in their condition. After regular use of this supplement, their eyes are less tired, better moisturised and less prone to irritation. VisionLip has become an invaluable aid to my practice, especially when working with technology-dependent young people.
Klin, 57 y.o.

If you have additional questions or doubts regarding the use of VisionLip™, please contact our customer service department.

We are here to answer all your questions and help you choose the right product for your needs.

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